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A Women's Lectionary for the Whole Church Year W (Gafney, Wilda C.)
A Women's Lectionary for the Whole Church Year W
Autor Gafney, Wilda C.
Verlag Ingram Publishers Services
Co-Verlag Church Publishing (Imprint/Brand)
Sprache Englisch
Einband Kartonierter Einband (Kt)
Erscheinungsjahr 2021
Seiten 360 S.
Artikelnummer 36817819
ISBN 978-1-64065-474-7
CHF 49.90
A Women's Lectionary for the Whole Church: Year W is a multi-use tool for congregational worship or study, personal devotion or study, and scholarly reflection and interpretation.

Gafney dedicated her new lectionary "For those who have searched for themselves in the scriptures and did not find themselves in the masculine pronouns."

As one who often cannot find herself in the masculine pronouns of today's liturgical offerings, I am profoundly grateful for this beautiful, scholarly rendition of texts I have loved since childhood even if I didn't always see myself in them.

As I - and many women and men like me - mature in contemporary consciousness, too many lectionary selections no longer adequately convey God's dynamic, eternally relevant Word. Instead they risk becoming a painful countersign to the Holy One in whose image all of us are made. . .

Of one thing I feel quite certain: Gafney's paradigm-shifting scholarship will influence biblical preaching and teaching for generations to come.

WILDA C. GAFNEY (WIL) is a Hebrew biblical scholar and Episcopal priest, a former Army chaplain, and congregational pastor in the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church. She is a graduate of Duke University (PhD) and Howard University (M Div). In addition to her biblical scholarship, she has written for Sojourners, Huffington PostFeasting on the Word, and Working Preacher. She is also an editor and essayist and author of several other books and teaches at Brite Divinity School. She lives in Fort Worth, Texas.