The first written book in the New Testament is the Apostle Paul's Epistle to the Galatians. This epistle contains the first written account of the gospel of Christ.
The message of the gospel is clear: to those that accept the gospel, it promises freedom in Christ, leading to eternal life. We must know the gospel; we must proclaim the gospel; we must live the gospel. It is intended that this commentary will equip everyone to know the gospel most completely so that we fulfill our Christian responsibilities to proclaim that gospel and advance the Kingdom.
The message of Galatians is this: by His Cross, Jesus Christ has set us free from slavery to sin. That freedom leads to becoming a new creation in Christ. This is a message of truth as well as a message of encouragement. This thorough and complete study of Galatians will help the reader learn and understand the important messages of this primitive epistle. It is the forerunner to the Epistle to the Romans that Paul will write approximately 8 years later.