Investigating the trail of philosophical leads in HBO s chilling True Detective series, an elite team of philosophers examine far-reaching riddles including human pessimism, Rust s anti-natalism, the problem of evil, and the flat circle .
Does the world need bad men?
Does Rust really know who he is?
Is the light winning?
And why life rather than death?
As arguably one of the most existential flagship series in modern times, True Detective's spine-chilling storylines have attracted a fervently questioning fan-base, alongside significant online coverage and fan sites, inspiring substantial philosophical debate from both fans and serious philosophers alike. True Detective and Philosophy delves into the many existential and ethical questions that arise in this darkly complex, character-driven series.
Investigating the deep philosophical issues behind the show's characters and engrossing narratives, these eighteen original essays explore questions that include: Why Life Rather Than Death? Cosmic Horror and Hopeful Pessimism, the Illusion of Self, Noir, Tragedy, Philosopher-Detectives, and more.
Essential reading for fans and philosophers, the stimulating chapters in True Detective and Philosophy accessibly explore the deeper meanings behind this genre-expanding crime show.