The world's leading and most charismatic authority on 'alternative history' reveals in this thrilling narrative of the conquest of Mexico the key role played by a beautiful Mayan princess and by the occult battles waged between the Aztec emperor and the Spanish leaders.
The second volume in the "War God" trilogy from ancient civilisations expert and author of the bestselling "Fingerprints Of The Gods", Graham Hancock, tells of the conquest of Mexico and the key role played by a beautiful Mayan princess and by the occult battles waged between the Aztec emperor and the Spanish leaders.
Interweaving historical fact and vivid fiction, Graham Hancock's
War God is packed full of blood, guts, conflict, sacrifice and witchcraft in the last days of the Aztec empire. The story of the Spanish conquest of Mexico and the downfall of Moctezuma is the perfect (if very gory) distraction from modern life.