With over 1800 species, Peru has the second richest avifauna of anycountry in the world. As a consequence it is one of the most popularbirding destinations in South America. This will be the firstcomprehensive and fully illustrated field guide to the birds of Peru.
'The book describes, maps and illustrates them all, and is a model of high-quality illustration, concise information and clear graphics. A must for both ornitho-experts and armchair dreamers.' - The Guardian
This is the first comprehensive and fully illustrated field guide to the birds of Peru. With over 1800 species, Peru has the second richest avifauna of any country in the world. As a consequence it is one of the most popular birding destinations in South America.
Authoritative text is arranged opposite the plates, in conventional field guide manner.
...this book is on a trajectory to revolutionise birding in Peru and to make a monumental contribution toward environmental awareness and conservation in the country.